OneFlow Salt-Free Scale Prevention Water-Conditioning System - OF1665 Commercial Anti-Scale System - 75 GPM
Watts OneFlow® Anti-Scales System Benefits
• Chemical free scale prevention.
• Cost savings and environmental benefits.
• Virtually maintenance free - no control valve.
• Uses environmentally friendly technology by using no salt or other chemicals to constantly add, no electricity and no wastewater
• Improves the efficiency of water-using appliances.
• Simple installation – no electrical and drain hookup.
• Safe for landscaping and lawn watering. No need for costly bypass plumbing.
• Compatible with all on-site and community wastewater treatment systems.
• Not subject to water softener restrictions and “bans”.
• OneFlow® treated water has no added sodium, is safe to drink and is well suited for use in food and beverage preparation.
Equipment Specifications
Watts OneFlow® systems are complete, self-contained, loaded with media and ready to use. A simple inlet and outlet connection is all that is required for installation. Please review below all operating pressures, temperatures and water chemistry limitations to ensure compatibility with your system.
About Watts OneFlow® Anti-Scale Systems
The OneFlow® Anti-Scale System provides protection from scale formation on internal plumbing surfaces. The OneFlow®system may be installed at the point-of-entry to a building to treat both hot* and cold water, or it can be located directly before a water heater, boiler, or other hot water-using device that requires protection from the ill effects of hard water. OneFlow® prevents scale by transforming dissolved hardness minerals into harmless, inactive microscopic crystal particles. These crystals stay suspended in the water and are passed to drain, thereby having a greatly reduced ability to react negatively like dissolved hardness does. The system requires very little maintenance, no backwashing, no salt, and no electricity. Typical hardness problems, especially build-up of scale in pipes, water heaters, boilers and on fixtures are no longer a concern. OneFlow® is not a water softener or a chemical additive (like antiscalants or sequestrants). It is a scale prevention device with proven third party laboratory test data and years of successful residential and commercial applications. OneFlow® is the one water treatment device that effectively provides scale protection and is a great salt-free alternative to water softening (ion exchange) or scale sequestering chemicals.
Standard Features
• Chemical-free scale prevention and protection – converts hardness minerals to harmless, inactive microscopic crystals making OneFlow® an effective alternative technology to a water softener for the prevention of scale due to water hardness
• Virtually maintenance free - no control valve
• Uses environmentally friendly technology by using no salt or other chemicals to constantly add, no electricity and no wastewater
• Improves efficiency of all water using appliances – both hot** and cold
• Simple sizing & installation – all you need to know is pipe size and the peak flow rate
• Perfect system for towns or communities where water softeners are banned or restricted
• For high-flow applications, install multiple tanks in parallel
• OneFlow® does not remove minerals or add sodium to the water supply
• OneFlow can be installed as pre-treatment to commercial reverse osmosis systems
Feed Water Chemistry Requirements
• pH range: 6.5-8.5
• Hardness (maximum) 75 grains (1282 ppm CaCO3)
• Water Pressure 15 psi to 100 psi
• Temperature 40° F to 100° F
• Free Chlorine <2 ppm
• Iron (maximum) 0.3 ppm
• Manganese (maximum) 0.05 ppm
• Copper 1.3 ppm
• Silca (maximum) 20 ppm**
• Oil & H2S Must be Removed Prior to OneFlow
• Poly-phosphates Must be Removed Prior to OneFlow
*Iron and Manganese - Just as with conventional water softening media, OneFlow® media needs to be protected from excess levels of certain met-als that can easily coat the active surface, reducing its effectiveness over time. Public water supplies rarely, if ever, present a problem, but if the water supply is from a private well, confirm that the levels of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) are less than 0.3 mg/L and 0.05 mg/L, respectively. **Copper - Pursuant to the EPA drinking water standards, the copper concentration permitted is up to 1.3 ppm. Typically originating from new copper plumbing, high levels of copper can foul OneFlow media. To further minimize any problem with excess copper, avoid applying excessive flux on the inner surfaces of the pipe and use a low-corrosive water soluble flux listed under the ASTM B813 standard. ***Silica - OneFlow® media does not reduce silica scaling. While silica tends to have a less significant effect on scale formation than other minerals, it can act as a binder that makes water spots and scale residue outside th plumbing system difficult to remove. This 20 ppm limitation is for aesthetic purposes.
Using OneFlow® with other water treatment equipment - Due to the unique properties of OneFlow®, there are some unique requirements for using OneFlow® in conjunction with filtration or other forms of water treatment. 1. OneFlow® must be the last stage in the treatment chain. Do not install any filters after OneFlow® or before any devices for which scale prevention is required. POU drinking water filters, e.g. carbon or RO are exempt from this requirement. 2. The addition of soaps, chemicals, or cleaners, before or after OneFlow treatment, may reverse its anti-scale treatment effects and/or create water with a heavy residue or spotting potential. Any adverse conditions caused by the addition of soaps, chemicals, or cleaners are the sole responsibility of the end user.
Flow Rate (GPM) | 75 GPM |
OneFlow System Type | Commercial System |
Brand | Watts Water |
Featured Product | No |